Saturday, August 21, 2010

What's Going On Now?

I am in the middle of a pretty huge (by some people's standards) renovation. Yes! girls can renovate....and Yes! black girls who grew up "around the way" can renovate....and.....guess what else folks? We can do it successfully...and...with kids!  Imagine that....  This isn't news to everyone, but I catch a lot of crap and aggravation at times just because of who I am and what I do.

Well, ok, I'm not full black, I'm half black and half white.  Although as we all know by America's standard black is black, so although I am sticking with bi-racial, as that is MY reality, black, white, mixed, call it what you want.
 Anyhow, I sold my condo 2 doors away and bought this gut rehab project.   We needed more space.  The condo was fine with the 4 kids and I, but with a new husband and a new baby, we were bursting out of the that thing.  So, this place has 2 units that I am combing and also going through the ZBA to get a "special permit" to add a third floor.  I am also renovating the basement into a rental unit and the garage into a really fabulous playroom that actually looks more like a guest house.

Where am I living with the kids while all of this takes place you ask? My mom is aways good for a brilliant idea.  This time it was the rv.  Yes, we are in a 1984 rv.  Fleetwood, to be exact. Me, the 5 kids, hubby, and my cat, "Sassy".  We have another cat "Harley", but he is an outsider- roams the neighborhood all day and comes home for food. The rv was actually supposed to be temporary housing, VERY temporary, like 4 weeks or so tops, but of course, much to my dismay this construction project has held true to the old rule of the thumb, more time and more money.....honey.

The initial plan was to get the 2nd floor of the new house done, and frame the roof.  I figured that I could probably get this done at the speed of light and get in there. Then I could focus on getting the rest done around us once we're in.  But of course one hold up after the next (I won't get into the boring details) and here we are 4 months later still in the damn rv. Plus, I have to get through Zoning for the new roof, which in turn holds up the entire job.  You can't get anything done without a good roof over your head.

Yes.  The rv sucks.  Bad.  We have hot water, bathroom and such, but it doesn't make up for the space constraint.  Thank goodness it's summer and the kids can go out and play.  I wouldn't have done this in winter anyhow.  It just wouldn't be feasible.  We cook all of our meats on the grill outside and the starches and veggies in the microwave.  Truth be told, I really feel guilty about complaining about the rv too much as I know that there are many families who are permanently in a situation like this.  Although the bottom line right now is that I'm used to a different much more comfortable way of life.  I will have a new appreciation for having a nice home again....once I get in there.  But first, the guest house.

The new plan (as the old one has gone to crap) is to get the guest house done.  Stay in there while I get the 2nd floor roughed (framing, plumbing. and electric in place). Then once I get through the ZBA (hopefully successfully), frame out the new roof and finish up the downstairs and get in.  My zoning hearing is at the end of October.  I had to go to the ZBA because I was short about 3 feet of land on each side of my lot.  I was a pretty bummed that I had to go through Zoning because I thought that I would be able to add the 3rd floor by right. It's the wasted time that kills me more than anything.  But, what can you do? Nothing. You just have to go with the flow and hope for the best.

Today was a pretty good day.  We are almost done insulating and I am hoping to get the inspector in to check the insulation in the guest house hopefully by Tuesday. We'll see.  If all goes well we can close up by Wednesday or so. Fingers crossed.

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