Monday, August 23, 2010

$$$ My Money Pit $$$

So as I mentioned earlier I am in the middle of an extensive renovation with 3rd floor and basement additions.  Here's a pic of the house.

Interior photos

I'm working on the garage now.  It was a fairly big project, getting the utilities over there from the main house. We had to dig up the backyard.  We had to dig a seperate trench for water - 5' deep, sewer - 4' deep (apparantly a sewer line can freeze, news to me), gas 2' deep, and electric 18" deep.  They all need specific spacing as well, but the biggest concern is making sure that your water and sewer are 10' apart.  Of course, if your as crazy as I am, and attempt to undertake a project like this you'll find all this out anyhow, because you'll more than likely be required to get an engineering plan.  The big lesson learned from this project is DO NOT attempt to dig the trenches by hand.  We started out digging and realized that it was a foolishly exhausting waste of time.  About half way through I rented a trench digger.  It is about 2' wide and we used that for the remainder of the digging.  There are some places that it won't reach and the one that I had would only go to 4' so we had to do the last foot ourselves.

Now that the utilities are done and signed off (phew).  I have to get the insulation signed off and and close up!  I'll post interior pics of the guest house tomorrow.  I have so many finish decisions to make now; flooring, paint colors, tile, cabinetry.  

I have already purchased this toilet space saver and a vanity and mirror to match.  I really like the dark wood.  I need to figure out the color for the bathroom walls.
This is an excellent example of what I am leaning toward for the bathroom floor tile.  

I have to hurry up and make some decisions time is ticking.....

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