They finished the main room and it looks beautiful. They were unable to complete the bathroom, but he said that he would be back tomorrow evening to finish.
I have a finish carpenter coming in the morning to start trimming the place out.
The bad news is I can't paint for at least 3 days. The plasterer says the plaster has to cure. This is news to me, I guess I have done so much joint compound in my day, that this info. managed to slip by me, or maybe I forgot, who knows. So anyhow, I had to postpone the paint. I may have him come anyhow and hit the trim on the exterior.
The good news is that my rough carpenter, and everything man, the one that hurt his back, is feeling much better and will be back tomorrow. Also, I finally chose paint colors. I absolutely LOVE my choices (on the swatch anyhow). I can't wait to see them on the wall. I went with colors in the blueish green family. I bought Behr paint from The Home Depot instead of the Ben Moore store, it was just closer, and I was feeling lazy.
I'll post pics of the room plastered tomorrow, it's too dark now to get a good photo.
I think your 5 young children and the major house renovation tops my zoo! I also have 5 kids-a blended family - my 2, his 2 and our little surprise! They are all adults now(except the youngest) but. I remember the days of 15, 13, 8, 6 and a newborn! We did not move into our house until the baby was 4. And we only renovate 1 room at a it will take